King Zirilo Viteri
Status: Offline15 years lbs 16.2hh Marwari Stallion Wind(Lvl 4) Advanced 100% Energy Master Played by Staff

Compared to the other rulers, King Zirilo Viteri is the most lax ruler putting up with the shenanigans that the nobility and the rest of his people do without getting angry. If he could take gems for every time the nobility pitched a fit, he would be richer than Empress Novi. So don't be surprised if he's not joyous or sunny, he's just 100% done with people but still loves his kingdom.
The King of the Isles, home of the pegasi, and second largest military power. Zirilo is old but still spry as he continues to rule over the kingdom that was passed down from relatives rather than a direct line. He's not a fan of wind puns so don't make any since he's heard of them all. But nothing will stop or happen to you if it happens. He'll just scowl. A lot.
The King of the Isles, home of the pegasi, and second largest military power. Zirilo is old but still spry as he continues to rule over the kingdom that was passed down from relatives rather than a direct line. He's not a fan of wind puns so don't make any since he's heard of them all. But nothing will stop or happen to you if it happens. He'll just scowl. A lot.
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