Malphas Ocarin
Status: Offline8 years 1000 lbs 17.0hh Equine Stallion Weird Fire(None) Intermediate 100% Energy No wings Played by Asyn

From his body he carries a long, lion like tail unicorns usually have but, once again, he has fire where the hair should be. Finally, to complete his demonic looks, he has two back legs that start off normally, but taper off to bony points. They were once hard to use for normal walking, but the mutation was common among his herd due to their back legs being used for battle and hunting desert creatures under the sand. Overall, his appearance can catch a lot of paragons off guard, however his demonic appearance greatly differs from his personality.

When your gaze first sets on Malphas, one thinks poorly of him. They usually distrust him, seeing him as the evil that needs riding of. However, he is more on the side of good than any other could be. He believes strongly in justice, and to treat others fairly. He does not believe in a lie, but sadly knows others speak them more freely than they should. He will do everything he can to follow the laws of the land e travels through, respecting all he crosses. Once you befriend him, he will never betray you. He believes, strongly, that those in need should be helped and would give his life for strangers if he believed they were needing protection.
Even the enemies of his past have witnessed him risk his life for them, even if they did not deserve it. Though as good as he may be, he does have his faults like any other being. His greatest weaknesses are his compassion and those he cares about. He can easily be tricked into helping others that may only be leading him into a trap. He puts too much hope in others to change their ways and gives people who wrong him, personally, chance after chance to correct themselves. However, if he believes you are evil and wrong, he will hunt you to the ends of the earth to bring you to justice. He can be obsessive in justice. The one thing that will anger him most will always be the threat to those he cares for. If harm were to come to them, he'd easily become more of a Chaotic Good than anything.

• Malphas doesn't like using magic. He believes that Magic is the root of all evil, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have it.
• Malphas' magic is fire magic. However, because of his nature the flames he refuses to wield bring healing instead of destruction.
• His healing magic is usually recognized by a warm sensation. It will only burn if the injury is severe and due to his lack of practice with the magic.
• The flames he carries are evidence of his magic. It can also be collected and used for healing.
Za'kaar is Malphas' companion. Unlike the usual type of companion, Za'kaar is a flame. This flame can take on the form of whatever it wishes, but doesn't give up it's fiery appearance. Za'kaar loves to take on the form of an owl more than anything, and calls Malphas' mane his home. Za'kaar was a gift from his father, and is made of a flame from Malphas' very mane. His father brought a magic user to the court and had a companion made for Malphas after the loss of his older sister. It was meant to be a way to teach compassion to the hurting Malphas, and in a way it did help heal him.
Za'kaar acts off of Malphas' emotions. He was forced to control his emotions because he didn't want to bring harm to those he cared for. Za'kaar has many abilities, such as blending in with wildfire and helping track down those lost in it. Wherever there is fire, Za'kaar can hide there and get information for Malphas and his allies. This skill has been useful in Malphas' war days.

Battle for Crucis, Loss
Protecting Others, passive

Malphas Ocarin was born in the hottest of realms. His heard was known for the great wars the raged, and their ancient history. Their ancestors looked like he did, but overtime their bloodline became deluded with less striking genes and traits. Overtime, his herd was full of traits of the fantasy type. Some had wings, others horns, and some were even born with fish like tails and had to stay within the pools of their oasis. The appearance of their ancestors became rare, and some even feared the foals born with them. It was believed that if "an ancient one" was born, it was a bad omen, a sign of times that were harder for their kind.
Malphas was raised by his uncle, being groomed to be one of their army's best when their herdland was attacked. He fought with all his might on the frontlines, however he was soon given the job to protect The King, his father, and his family while his mentor went to the front lines. Malphas guarded them, day and night. His eyes had grown so use to the sights around him and his ears trained to the sounds of nature, that he found himself yearning for a change. Soon his boredom got the best of him.
A young mare caught his eye, one he hadn't seen before and she begged for his help. He jumped at the chance for a change of scenery and to help someone in need, so he rushed to help her without a second thought. He soon realized it was a trap when he was met with enemy stallions. He fought them off bravely, and once he won the mare was taken prisoner. However, when he returned to his post he saw that he had failed his mission. His father and mother were dead, murdered by their true enemy, his brother.
His older brother had grown tired of being compared to Malphas, and knew that he would be skipped over and Malphas would be the next king. This wouldn't stand with his brother, and so he took action to ensure his rise to power. His uncle was killed by assassin's, and his brother soon took over the Kingdom of Abyssus.
He framed the deaths of their family on Malphas, saying that he wanted to be king and had attempted to take the life of even his older brother. He ordered the rest of his stallions to drive Malphas out of their homeland. Malphas has traveled many lands since then, but most drove him away believing him to be evil. Only one land welcomed him and he found love. However, soon he found himself wandering once more. His love vanished, his children with her, and it drove him away from the lands that reminded him too much of what he had lost.
Malphas Design Char-Boo
Appearance image Sirenatie
Profile Image Mio
Profile Pixel LizardQueen
Fire Symbol/Ocarin Crest Asyn Header Image Nikkayla
Appearance image Sirenatie
Profile Image Mio
Profile Pixel LizardQueen
Fire Symbol/Ocarin Crest Asyn Header Image Nikkayla

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