Jack Frost
Status: Offline7 years 950 lbs 15.2hh Morgan Stallion Ice & Snow(Lvl 1) Intermediate 100% Energy Skilled Played by Olive
Starting right off the bat with his build, Jack’s could be considered medium in size. He falls right about in the middle of the scale, and does not mind it one bit. Each size class has their advantages and disadvantages to them, why not have the best of both worlds? Regarding specifics, he has a long, narrowed snout that leads to a thick neck and straight back. This curves into muscular haunches, athletic legs, and finely chiseled hooves. He has a deep, almost barrel-like chest.
The coloration of the man’s coat contains a conglomeration of various patterns and shades to it. His base coat is a light gray and darkens in some places, especially on his muzzle where it is the most apparent. There are speckles of white all over his body. Jack Frost’s eyes are like pure crystal, untainted or tarnished. He has tribal-like markings on his forehead, chest, inner right leg, and on his hooves. His mane and tail are white with a very smoky quality to them.
As for the icing on the cake, this stallion has more added to his appearance. He is endowed on his head with two sets of swirling horns, one set bigger than the other. Jack has a leonine tail in addition to his normal wispy tail and mane. It looks like he was bedazzled with crystals on his chest; one bigger one in the center surrounded by smaller ones. Jack Frost does not necessarily have loud aesthetics, though the details can prove to be quite striking.
His wings are similar to clouds of cold air. They can be visible or not based on his choosing.
Jack Frost was a very stoic being even from the very start. He did not prance around like other young horses did, or waste his time on things he considered fruitless endeavors. Others tried to get him to play countless times, though after so many refusals, they eventually stopped. It was not that he was a rude or cruel individual; rather he was just quiet and thoughtful. Jack took the time to think things through and his personality reflects that without a single, solitary doubt.
It is very easy for him to stand like a silent sentry in the background with blinking and breathing as the only indicators he is alive. When the proper time arises, Jack Frost will speak his piece, and go back as he was. The stallion is very intelligent and knowledgeable; he just does not find the need to ramble on aimlessly. Something must encourage or inspire him to open his mouth, and that is quite the task to do, though he speaks with great authority.
There is a downside to all of this unfortunately. A patient, observant creature has the tendency to find flaws and point them out unwarranted. While Jack Frost is a goal oriented type, if there is something he does not wish to do, he will not do it, end of story. He will stand firm and rooted where he wants to, so there might be a twinge of headstrongness engrained in there somewhere. Jack will get things done in an efficient manner, but on his terms.
What the stallion does recall vividly is marching in line as a solider. When children were old enough, they were taught warrior strategy and skills. The reason for this is that another herd threatened his consistently. It was either fight or be destroyed. So much war eventually ended up fatally wounding both sides. Jack stood on the battlefield one day, realizing he lost what was important to him in the process. He cocooned himself in a glacier of ice, hoping things would somehow renew themselves.
When he woke up, things were still and quiet, signaling that the fighting had ended. However, things had not been restored. There was no herd to speak of, and no real progress. There was finally peace, but a broken one. The environment was different, though nothing to occupy it. That influenced Jack Frost’s decision to move on and try to build a life for himself. He could not stay alone and expect to prosper. Hope was his main guide and a new home his destination.

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