Asterion Spiros
Status: Offline8 years 1500 lbs 16.2hh Andalusian Stallion (None) Intermediate 0% Energy No wings Played by Howl

Asterion is quiet unless giving a scathing insult with a burn so bad you need the emergency burn unit or if he actually fancies voicing his opinion on something. Commands an air of intensity, you either love him or hate him. He sees through most lies, has an emotional intensity that feels as though you will drown in the depths. Often abrasive and intimidating. Easily plays detective, often sees details others might miss. Values his privacy and takes a while to open up, strategic with his choices. Plans ahead and during. Has a poker face. Doesn't back down easily. He's in it for the long haul.
Quick thinking and can change his plans on a dime if needed. He's adaptable and shrewd, self-preserving. He is however not the scheming type. Stubborn as a mule holds a few very strong beliefs. Surprisingly loving with those that have broken down his barriers. Asterion is the wicked beast and the belle. Carries a hatred of himself, a scar that has only just begun to heal. Bitter and jaded but willing to fight. An absolute workaholic works him to exhaustion. Liable to work himself to death. Cares deeply and has emotional depth. Very much like the ocean, he can be the calm sea or the turbulent storm. The shallow reef or the deepest trench. The cool current or the destructive tsunami.
Craves solitude, needs to recharge before socialising. Enjoys a debate but will happily bring someone down a peg or two. Finds that some are just stupid and regards them with contempt and condescension. Unsure in relationships and so tends to avoid them. Pride will be his downfall. Money buys everything and everyone. Patient.
Others will find it hard to get a rise out of him. Has great discipline and holds himself to a high standard. As previously stated he is a workaholic and does so because he feels as though he has to be constantly in motion. Appears cold yet when courting he is warm. Often practical love. Prefers to show love through actions rather than words. Seeks to provide. Stable.
Dearest Mother, Why did you throw your life away? And for an outsider? Why couldn't you have behaved? For I have seen what they have done. I watched them steal you away but that wasn't enough for them, no, they wanted blood. I lay hidden as you told me to, you did not return. I searched for you, high and low yet, what I found was your crumpled body. I will never forget those lifeless eyes of my sweet dear mother. Staring at such a scene I froze. My dam covered in blood, her body limp and mutilated. Mother, I realise now why I was kept hidden, kept safe. Your tribe seeks both our lives and they have taken yours yet, we both know they will not rest until they take mine. I promise to you, no, I swear that the will not get mine. As I curled around her corpse seeking some form of comfort from the the recently departed, I swore I would take my vengeance. I will have it either in this life or the next, but one thing was certain: heads were going to ROLL.
I sought out my father. Mother had told me stories of him, I knew he was the one that would train me. He was different from what I expected. He was not the Knight that my mother was infatuated with. I introduced myself and asked him to train me, but I couldn't take no for an answer. I pushed and pushed until we fought. He beat me easily however, he accepted my proposal. From that day on I trained each day and night seeking to become the best. I had to because my mother's soul depended on it.
It was hard and it took many years till I was experienced and talented enough to claim the chieftains head. I went to the lagoon that day and called for those bastards who desecrated and mutilated my dam. Their must pay penance with their lives. Everything the did to my mother I did to them and worse. I remember blood seeping into my mouth as a ripped another's throat out. It felt and tasted divine. The chieftain was strong yet he couldn't escape my rage. For years my angry lay just beneath the surface and now I was serving justice. Though I had claimed my revenge I still felt hollow for even as I butchered the tribe it did not bring her back. I was still motherless. I slaughtered them far worse than any animal but it did not entirely quell my rage and my languish.
I ate those who dared to murder those dearest to me. The rest I left to rot, none of them will be granted access into the afterlife just like she wasn't. I went back to my mother's grave and told her she could rest easy now. Be at peace, mama. I whispered to her for the last time "I love you." then I was gone. There was nothing for me left on that little island, nothing but skeletons and fucked up memories. Gods, I need another drink. My life is tumultuous at best. After that, I left for greener pastures or whatever the lingo is nowadays. I put my skills to use and became a hired assassin. I don't tend to stay in one place for long. Everything blurred. I don't know what it's like outside of being a hit man. I poured myself into my occupation because it safer that way. I visit other lands but I have never truly decided to settle. The feeling of squeezing throats never gets old.
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